17 December 2012

Beckoning of Lovely film

What a lovely project this is. My collage drawing was selected as a finalist and I have a tiny small credit near the end of the film (42:23) but more than anything, it is just wonderful to be part of this. Hope you enjoy the film!

15 December 2012

The 2013 Calendar is ready!

Can you believe that this is the 18th year of my calendars? I usually try to have it ready by the second week of November but somehow, I managed to get distracted by a million other things this year and ended up way behind schedule with the calendar.

But finally, here it is!

Most of the illustrations this year sort of reflect my new surrounds, up in Noosa, Australia. I really hope you like it.

If you would like to buy one, go to www.duck-books.com/shop.html to order and I will send it to you as quickly as possible, so you will hopefully get it in time for Christmas :-)