23 April 2009

I am still here

"After a few years living in Narrabeen, I felt we were on the verge of becoming 'normal Australians'... "

I have been working like crazy lately, and also been on the road alot, so I haven't had much time to blog .... not even to look at my favourite blogs .... I have missed you all.

At the moment, I am at the blue house in the forest. Saying my farewell to it, because its time to move on. I wonder where my adventures will take me next. Feeling a bit sad, but also excited about what might come next.

Driving up here last week, I visited a friend I had not seen for 38 years. She lives in Armidale and I stayed the night there. We talked about old school days in Narrabeen. Rusty memories suddenly became vivid again.

The furniture is all out of the blue forest house now. I am sitting on the floor of the empty house, with the sun streaming in. Tomorrow I am on the road again with Malo and Dog. They are wonderful fellow travellers, both of them.


meggie said...

I remember my granddaughter went to Narrabeen to some camp & was so homesick she cried. She got an award for managing to stay for whole time!
Good luck whereever you end up! And keep blogging!!

Ulrike said...

Thank you, Meggie. And I will keep blogging (and drawing), and I am aiming to be less intermittent with it!
I will keep you posted where I "settle" next!

pilgrimchick said...

One of the best things about moving different places is really enjoying what is unique about them while you're there. I hope you have some great memories associated with where you've been, and you're looking forward to where you're going.

fifi said...

happy travelling....
i hope you find a lovely place!

Ulrike said...

Hi Pilgrimchick and fifi, and thanks for your comments. I agree, travelling and experiencing diffferent places is wonderful.

But I sort of feel I need a "basecamp" at least. Trying to figure out where that will be is one of my current projects. Fun, but exhausting!