Old photos remind me that I once had it all dyed very bright blue. Another time, I had my hair all dyed in black and bright orange horizontal stripes, with the right side cut into a bob, and the left side cut very, very short. For some reason that now escapes me, I also once had a lightning bolt shaved into my hair at the back.
These days, I usually just have my hair in a plain ponytail, which sort of seems like a missed opportunity, since there are 4 hairsalons just an elevator-ride away, in the shopping centre downstairs.
I am pretty sure that my kids are grateful for this missed opportunity, but I do wonder how all these hairdressers find enough customers.
you are a total hoot my dear, dear friend - I love this story and I can assure you, the money I fork out, they all do nicely!
I totally relate to the hair thing. My worst was long on top & shaved underneath a la Duran Duran. Hideous! Mum always asked why I insisted on making myself look so ugly-I thought I looked COOL!!!!
I love all your lino cuts, they're fantastic. And if anyone can do it, its you Lady!
Cant wait to see all the rest X
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