I am working on a small artist book, tentatively titled "Book of Birds".
Meanwhile, there is a man outside in the rain, chopping down some trees.
Poor trees, poor birds. Poor garden now looks ugly and empty.
The absurdity and mundanity of everyday life is what I try to capture in my artwork and writing.
I love your beautiful bird. But it also makes me sad, that you lose the beautiful trees and the birds lose their tree to rest and hide.
How about a picture again now and then? I miss them a lot!
And please let there be a PELICAN in your Book of Birds.
Thank you Silvia :-)
Sorry that I haven't posted anything new lately, Karin. I just seem to be working on too many projects at the moments. I'll try to do a new linoprint very soon.
There is no pelican in the Bird Book, but I'll be sure to draw one soon.
My last landlord was going to take several large trees out of the front yard of the rental property--fortunatley, he didn't because it would have been an entirely different, and not quite as nice, place without the trees.
pilgrimchick, I am so glad that your trees stayed!
My place looks completely different now. I guess I have a nice view of the hills in the distance, but the poor house looks cold and exposed.
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